This website covers our upcoming v3 alpha. For v2 docs, see our previous website.
Use Cases


GQty handles Server Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG) out of the box. Although these two concepts differs a little bit in Next.js, data fetching in GQty is very much the same thing.

When fetching data at server side, you use prepareReactRender and useHydrateCache.

The following example shows a simple page in Next.js 13.

import { type FC } from "react";
import { type PropsWithServerCache } from "@gqty/react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { prepareReactRender, useHydrateCache, useQuery } from "../gqty";
type Props = PropsWithServerCache<{
  // Other page props here.
// For SSR, just use `getServerSideProps` instead of `getStaticProps`.
export const getStaticProps = async (context) => {
  const { cacheSnapshot } = await prepareReactRender(
    <UserProfile id={} />
  return {
    props: {
export default function ProfilePage({ cacheSnapshot }: Props) {
  const router = useRouter();
  useHydrateCache({ cacheSnapshot });
  return <UserProfile id={} />;
const UserProfile: FC<{ id: string }> = ({ id }) => {
  const user = useQuery().user({ id });
  return (
      <img alt={"Avatar of " +} src={user.profileImage} />
Suspense is supported

The hook prepareReactRender uses react-ssr-prepass (opens in a new tab), under the hood, so it already works with Suspense.

Performance Optimization

prepareReactRender renders your app twice for data fetching, which is necessary without a separate selection function.

When your app has grown out of the period of rapid iteration, it is a good idea to start factoring out selection functions and skip the first render.

See Suspense on Data Fetching on how to export a reusable selection function.

import { resolve } from "../gqty";
import { prepare } from "./components/Profile";
export const getStaticProps = async (context) => {
  const user = await resolve(({ query: { user } }) =>
    prepare(user({ id: }))
  return {
    props: {
export default function Page({ user }) {
  // ... Skipped for brevity