Use Cases


The basic usage of subscriptions are as easy as queries.

import { useSubscription } from "../gqty";
export default function Notifications() {
  const { notification } = useSubscription();
  return (
        Received at: {new Date(notification.createdAt).toLocaleString()}

This creates a long-lived subscription to your endpoint and continues to receive backend updates as they happen.

With normalized cache enabled in GQty, object updates received from subscriptions are automatically populated to components watching the same object via queries.

There are two ways to design your subscriptions, having each of them with its own benefits and drawbacks. You should be concise about each and choose the one best fits your application.

Event based Subscriptions (Event Streams)

Subscriptions may represent a stream of events happening on server side, sending a replayable history to the client. This enables interesting use cases of live collaborations and other real-time interactions.

Event based subscriptions are best suited to trigger further actions, such as fetching related updates for currently visible components when an event is received. Event payloads should stay small.

Busy connections may stall the UI.

It is easy to think of Subscriptions as easy data streams. But without backpressure and buffering support, servers have no inherent knowledge about the client state. If subscriptions are hooked to high traffic backend streams, client UI may become unresponsive at best, sometimes even losing messages mid-flight due to WebSockets timing out.

Entity based Subscriptions (Live Queries)

One of the drawbacks that event-based subscriptions may introduce is the lack of ways to recover lost events after a connection drop. Even with automatic reconnection built-in our subscription clients, you are required to manually refetch the missing events during periods of blackout.

Instead of event streams, Subscriptions can also send object updates made by other clients. This way the backend has more control over when to send updates, and how to batch them up without overwhelming the client.

You may not even need this.

Before jumping into subscriptions, an application may usually get away with a carefully controlled query polling. The correct timing to start considering subscriptions is when you try to aggregate a data entity from multiple sources and sending updates in a fanout manner.


GQty gives you an easy way to work with Subscriptions, but Subscriptions are not easy to get right.

If you are using managed services like Hasura or Supabase, please by all means use their Subscriptions because folks at these companies have already done the hard work for you.